A few days ago, my family and I went hiking at Malibu Creek Park. It was a warm sunny day with no clouds in the blue sky. We invited some friends of ours to go with us. As we arrived we started hiking to see the rock climbers. I could see dust coming out beneath my feet as I took every step. It smelled like horses were just walking there. My siblings and I wanted to get some exercise so we started running. Along the way we saw a high hill with rocks that we could climb. Sarah, Michael, Miriam, and I helped each other get to the top. We were planning on scaring our parents when we saw them walk by. Right when they came we said BOO! When we got down they told us that we scared them. As we continued to walk to the rock climbing wall, we saw a beautiful creek.

As we arrived to see the rock climbers we were starving. I could smell the delicious sandwiches as my mom began to unwrap each one. After we finished eating we climbed up a high rock. We then continued our hike to the MASH site.
Eating lunch |

Malibu Creek Park was used to film many television series and movies. Between 1972 and 1983, a television drama about the Vietnam war called MASH was filmed at Malibu creek Park. The set had street signs, cars, and a shed. We really wanted see the inside of the car so my siblings and I climbed inside from the trunk. As we walked to the front of the car we noticed that the car didn't have any wheels or pedals.
Once we finished exploring the MASH site, it was time to go home. As we walked back to our car, I was really tired and Sarah gave me a piggyback ride. When we got to our car we drove home to have lunch and take a nap.
Describe your favorite hiking spot?
Dear Hannah,
ReplyDeleteI love your post, very professional,
The pictures look great. I love Malibu Creek park and now after the rains the creek is full of water.Everyone are smiling that means you and happy and have a good time. I know you all like to cross the creek with Grandpa and you are very brave to do it.
Love you, keep writing,
Grandma Tanya and Grandpa Eugene
That sounds like a ton of fun! I love going on hikes and it would be even more fun with friends! How long did it take you to finish?
ReplyDeleteDear Hannah
DeleteI liked your blog because I had a lot of connections. When you wrote about you and your friends making a plan to scare your mum and dad it reminded me of when my friend used to sneak up on me. Your pictures reminded me of France because the jackets you were wearing were thick(I used to live in France).I have a question. How cold was it?
Hi Hannah,
ReplyDeleteI liked your blog so much because you added so much detail and you explained so much about what you did while you were hiking. And I made so many connections with what you did.
I have some questions for you. Why did you want to make a blog?
From Oscar
Dear Hannah
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your blog about your hike because it was really interesting when I was reading about there was no pedals. When I was reading your blog when you said you were going to go hiking it reminded me about when I went hiking in miramar. I have a Question how long did it take you to do your hike?because one time it took me 7 hours and anther time it took 4 hours.
From Molly
Dear Hannah ,
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed listening to your story because it was very exiting . I have a connections whit you. I like scaring my sister when I play games with here,and I have seen lots of adventures parks like you.
I have a question for you do you sometimes get scared in adventures parks,sometimes I do.
Best regards
Nirban Singh Bajaj.
Dear Hannah
ReplyDeleteI really enjoed your blog it looked great because when you scared your perents I tought it was funny because they said you scared them and you said boo! I was reading your blog and you Said that you where going hikeing it remineds me when I went sailing. I have a question how long did it take you to do this blog post.
From Hannelore
Dear Hannah.
ReplyDeleteYour blog was very nice. I liked that you had inserting words because you told me when Vietnam was filmed in at Malibu creek park and that was interesting. I herd that you went hiking at creek park with some friends. Did you have fun with your friends at creek park? I enjoyed when you talked about when you saw people rock climbing because you told us how you felt. I have a connection when you saw people rock climbing because I saw people rock climbing as well but not at Malibu creek park.
From Boua
Dear Hannah,
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed the part you where planning on scaring your parents when you saw them walk by you said BOO!A It reminds me of when I was on summer vacation in America I went to subway after we ordered them we sat on the table and I could smell the smell of the delicious sandwiches. I have a question for you Hannah. Where is Malibu creek park?.
By pinky
Dear Hannah.
ReplyDeleteHi! My name is Rei I am in year 3. I live in Thailand. I like your blog Hannah I also enjoined your blog post because we were learning about how to write connections and I had so many connections with you. One of my connection was when you said you and your friend was scaring your parents once when me and my friend went down the steps my mom went down the lift we got there before my mom so when my mom got down we scared here. We said boo! I have some questions to ask. When you saw the rock climbers what did you think? Is Sarah,Michael and Miriam your best friend?
From Rei
Dear Hannah
ReplyDeletewI enjoyed when you said my family and I went to go hiking at Malibu creek park because it reminded me about when I went hiking on the mountain It also reminded me about when I went swimming because there were no clouds. Hannah I have a question for you How long were you walking for?
From Yumi
Dear Hannah,
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed the part you where planning on scaring your parents when you saw them walk by you said BOO!A It reminds me of when I was on summer vacation in America I went to subway after we ordered them we sat on the table and I could smell the smell of the delicious sandwiches. I have a question for you Hannah. Where is Malibu creek park?.
By pinky
Dear Hannah,
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your blog post because you described your writing so every body could make connections with what you were writing. I also enjoyed when you and your siblings said boo to your mom and dad. I felt a connection because I also went to a park called the queens park in Bangkok Thailand. There were no clouds in the sky and it was a sunny day. Your blogpost reminds me about when I went to the queens park I started running with my sister to get my energy out. Can I ask you some questions? Where do you live? In the first picture which kid are you?
From Aidan
Hi Hannah!
ReplyDeleteI like the idea of your non fiction blog post because I can imagine the picture when your hiking with your friends and family. When I read your blog post it reminds me of when I finished running at lumpini park. And when I finished running I ate lunch and took a nap like you. I have a question. Did you have fun spending your time with your friends and family at Malibu creek park?
From Lookpad
Dear Hannah
ReplyDeleteYour blog was very nice I liked that you had detail and it sounded interesting when you said dust was coming underneath your feet. and I like the pictures. I know that you went hiking. One time I went hiking with my dad and mom in Greece. And when you said you where starving usually after I go hiking I am starving. I have question how long did you hike and what time was it wen you were dun hiking.
From Haikel 😊😊.
Dear Hannah
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed reading your blog post. It is really easy to understand and also hiking sounds great! Were you hot when you went hiking? Did you see any cool animals?
Had you ever been hiking before? Before I knew what hiking was I thought it was a kind of game that you played in the snow.
sincerely Marley
Dear Hannah
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your blog post because I had lots of connections with you. One of my connections was I also scared my parents before. I like how you described the smelled at the hiking. In the hiking did you see any animals like bears-rabbit-fish-frogs, or did you saw any other animals?????
From Kippei
Dear Hannah
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed reading your blog post. It is really easy to understand and also hiking sounds great! Were you hot when you went hiking? Did you see any cool animals?
Had you ever been hiking before? Before I knew what hiking was I thought it was a kind of game that you played in the snow.
sincerely Marley
Hi Hannah!
ReplyDeleteI like the idea of your non fiction blog post because I can imagine the picture when your hiking with your friends and family. When I read your blog post it reminds me of when I finished running at lumpini park. And when I finished running I ate lunch and took a nap like you. I have a question. Did you have fun spending your time with your friends and family at Malibu creek park?
From Lookpad
Dear Hannah
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your blog post because I had lots of connections with you. One of my connections was I also scared my parents before. I like how you described the smelled at the hiking. In the hiking did you see any animals like bears-rabbit-fish-frogs, or did you saw any other animals?????
From Kippei
Dear Hannah
ReplyDeleteI read your blog about Malibu Creek Park and I really enjoyed it because it made me think of other parks that I have been to in Thailand. When you talked about the rock climbers it reminded me of when I went rock climbing with my nanny and my little brother in Playtime. In your blog there was a word that I didn't understand at first but I figured it out. It was the word MASH. I think it would be interesting to hike in Malibu Creek park because hiking is fun and this is a good place to hike because you can hike in the mountains, on the grass and everywhere. The end where you talked about being really tired it reminded me of when I was very tired because I walked all day in a market in Thailand. Even though I was tired it was still good just like your hiking in Malibu Creek Park. Thanks for teaching me the word creek. Creek means a tiny river.
From Arthur.
Dear Hannah
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your blog post because I had lots of connections with you. One of my connections was I also scared my parents before. I like how you described the smelled at the hiking. In the hiking did you see any animals like bears-rabbit-fish-frogs, or did you saw any other animals?????
From Kippei
Dear Hannah,
ReplyDeleteI liked your blog because you added pictures so I could understand what you were saying. I enjoyed reading the part where you saw rock climbers because it made me want to go rock climbing.
I have also been rock climbing before with my mom, dad and brother. I liked when I went to the top of the wall because I could see a nice view and I was high up.
I am wondering what country you were in.
Dear Hannah
ReplyDeleteI like your hiking blog post because it reminds me when I went hiking with my dad at Australia. It was so hot. My dad was leading the way I felt like it was 3 hours on hiking.I felt tired when I got to the top of the mountain. I was the second last to get to the top, so I couldn't scare my dad but I can scare my mum once when we were biking. We also had crackers as our snack on the way up. We went back to our house in Australia and we had dinner over there. Can I ask you a question, did it take a long time?
From Sarah
Dear Hannah,
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed when you said you saw the beautiful magnificent creek with your friends.
and I liked when you and your friends scared your parents.
Was the view super high on top of the park?
Did you have fun?
From Kim
Dear Hannah I really enjoyed your Hiking at Malibu creek park.Wile I was reading your blogpost I got some connection. It reminded me when I went to a small creek with my family. After I saw the creek I was starving and quite tired just like you.
ReplyDeleteDid you have fun?
Dear Hannah,
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed your blog post because it sounds great to be there because
you did fun things like:going to new places.
It reminds me when I did rock climbing at my last school with
all of my classmate.
Did you have fun? Have you see there new things?
From Helly.
Dear Hannah,
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed your post because it was exciting and interesting because I've never been hiking before. When I read the blog post I got connections. My connection were when I went to Pattaya I went to the beach and the sand in came up like a powder and before I went back to Bangkok my dad order some stake, it was very big and we didn't finish it . I have many more connections like I also climbed into the trunk of the car to get some snack. My question is where is Malibu creek park ?
From Klaiklai