is not really the last day of summer, but it feels like it because
school is starting soon. The past few days, it has been so hot (over 100
F), that we have been going to the beach almost every weekend and some
days during the week. The beach is usually about 20 F degrees cooler
than where we live. At the beach, we play in the sand, make sand
castles, pick shells and look for sand dollars, and best of all go
swimming on our boogie boards. The water is very refreshing from the hot
summer days. After playing, we get hungry and our mom packs us lunch.

dollars, also called sea biscuits or sea cookies, are flattened shells
that are found in shallow waters right under the sand. Each sand dollar
has a five petal design on the top and they look very pretty. At the
beach we found them in many different sizes, was 4 cm in diameter, and
the smallest was 0.5 cm in diameter
a new year is very exciting. We already bought school supplies, and new
clothes since most of the clothes from last year are small. We also
have to wait to find out which teacher we will have in the fall. Every
year, we have a new teacher and new students in our class. It is hard
not knowing who will be in my class, and whether I will have friends
from last year in the same class with me. However, it also gives me an
opportunity to make new friends every year.
What have you been doing during your vacation?
How do you prepare for a new school year?
Dear Sarah,
ReplyDeleteI can't believe our summer is coming to a close already! It has been an eventful summer filled with many happy memories.
Summer kicked off with a visit from our blogging buddy from Australia staying at my house. She and her husband were such a pleasure to have around. We had a wonderful time presenting at ISTE!
Here is a link with some photos and information about our visit.
Another highlight has been spending time with our 8 month old puppy, Buck. Buck's Pool Parties have been the best! Boy does that dog love water!
Finally, I am spending the last week of summer with my mother at our family lake cottage in Minnesota. It has been such fun to swim in the water, read, and see the wildlife around the lake. I've seen woodpeckers, chipmunks, squirrels, a robin, and I'm hoping to see the bald eagle that has a nest near our lake.
Looking forward to seeing you very soon!
What school items do you need for fourth grade?
Your proud former teacher,
Mrs. Y♥llis
Dear Mrs Yollis,
DeleteThank you so much for leaving me such a lovely and long comment, especially on your vacation. You've had a very busy summer.
My mom visits Minnesota many times for work because her company is located there. She told me there are numerous lakes and it is very green there.
What did you do with Buck while in Minnesota?
The fourth grade supplies are similar to the third grade supplies except for a large binder. See you soon!
Your former student,
ReplyDeleteYour description of summer has me longing for more! Our schools start next week, and I just got home from a week-long vacation. My husband and I are roller coaster freaks, so we headed out to Ohio to ride the rides at Cedar Point for two days. We wore ourselves out! If you love roller coasters, this should be a spot for you to visit - no matter how far the drive! We camped there in a trailer we pull with the truck. We also swam in Lake Erie while we were there - but there are no sand dollars to be found there! (I didn't know the biscuit or cookie name - that's a good piece of trivia!)
We then headed even further from home and camped in PA for the rest of the week. It rained a lot while we were there, so we only got to swim one day and didn't even bike. But we did find lots of geocaches, and it's always satisfying when we find these!
That's what our long cpvacation looked like this year, but we spent a day blueberry picking and then swimming in Lake Michigan (we live in NW IL), and we've taken other small trips that make the summer full. I'm ready to start with a new class this year, and I'm nervous, too. I won't know ANY of my students, and I don't like calling them by the wrong names!
Enjoy the start of your year - I hope it's as good as your summer sounds!
Joy Kirr
Dear Joy Kirr,
DeleteThank you so much for leaving me such a lovely and long comment. This spring we traveled in an R.V which is similar to a trailer. We went to the Grand Canyon, Zion National Park, and Bryce Canyon. I have posts on all of these places.
Where do you live? I hope you will enjoy the rest of your summer. Ohio is very far to drive, but we have many amusement parks in Southern California that also have roller coasters. Have you ever visited California?
Dear Sarah,
DeleteI love how you ask questions back to the people you write. I notice that many people don't write you back, and it made me sad! I just want you to know that we love your replies, even if we don't always write back. I actually have a few moments this morning, so I WILL answer your questions!
Yes, I've been to California, and my favorite part was the beach in San Diego. But I've only been there and DisneyLand!
I've lived in Illinois all my life, and Lake Michigan is huge, for sure, but it's no ocean!
Ohio may be too far for you to travel right now. But if you're ever near Lake Erie, you've got to give those coasters a whirl. They're touted as "the best in the world" !!
Thanks for posting to the world! You make a difference and you matter!
Dear Joy Kirr,
DeleteThank you so much for replying to my comment. I really enjoy when people reply to me. I have never been to Disneyland. Do you remember any rides that scared you? Usually, I am too short to go on the big roller coasters, so I wear my hair high up and sometimes I get through.
Dear Sarah,
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful post about your wonderful hot summer holidays.
I sure can't wait till our summer to arrive. However in saying this I do like the winter too.
I just cannot believe how fast your summer holidays have gone as it only seems like yesterday you were saying good bye to Mrs Yollis and the rest of your class mates.
Your photos are great as you call tell you are all having a great time at the beach. I enjoy going to the beach too with BB and her dad.
We like to go for long walks along the shore line looking for shells too.
Great Post Sarah and enjoy what is left of your final days of your summer holiday.
From your friend down under,
AA :)
Dear AA,
DeleteThank you so much for leaving me such a lovely and long comment. We also like to run at the shore at the beach.
Have you ever found a sand Dollar or a very big and pretty shell? Do you have any plans for the summer?
Dear Sarah
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like you are having a wonderful holiday. At my school, we're in the middle of our school year. How crazy is that?
When I'm on holiday, my family and I rent out a house and go to a very cool beach. Sadly, at the beginning of this year, there was too many jellyfish for us to swim there.
How do I prepare for a school year? Well I just get all worked up going: Who's going to be in my class? Will I get put with my friends? But every year, even if I'm not with my friends, I have a good year any ways! It's like you said, more of a chance to make new friends!
Oh guess what? I have a blog of my own: Miss Molly's Blog. Do you like the name?
Your kiwi friend,
Dear Molly,
DeleteThank you for visiting a leaving me comment. I visited your blog and left you one too. Great job on putting together your blog. I like the name you chose because it is an alliteration. I look forward to blogging with you.
Your American friend,
Hi Sarah,
ReplyDeleteAwesome post.
I think going to the beach is awesome. When it is summer my cousins and I go fishing and then have a 2 hour swim in the ocean it is really fun.
I am going to Queensland. Queensland is in Australia.
From your pal,
Dear BB,
DeleteThank you so much for leaving a lovely comment on my blog. I appreciate all of the wonderful comments you always leave on my blog.
I am looking forward to seeing your posts on Queensland. Have you ever been there?
Dear Sarah,
ReplyDeleteThe summer is almost over and you all will start school
(sorry to remind you but this is coming). I love your pictures and especially I love the sand dollars and this is the first time I seen them and I love the perfect round shape of the shells and the design outside. We still can go the the beach on the weekends when the school starts, in California the weather is great even in the winter.
I hope you will have a great school year.
Love you,
Grandma Tanya
Dear Grandma Tanya,
DeleteThank you so much for leaving me such a lovely comment. I appreciate all of the wonderful comments you always leave on my blog.
I hope you can come to the beach with us again on the weekend. I can't believe it was your first time seeing a sand dollar.
Dear Sarah !
ReplyDeleteWe think that you spent your summer vacations very
well. You travelled to Hawaii , visited museums,
theatres , conserts .
We wish you the best in your new school year
and to find new good friends.
Love you
Grands Mila & Isay
Dear Grandma Mila and Grandpa Isay,
DeleteI appreciate all of the lovely comment you always leave on my blog. I also appreciate that you read all of my posts.
I did have a good summer and wish it was longer, but I am also looking forward to going to school.